Brittany & Conor Home Page Banner

Brittany & Conor

Frankfort, IL, USA

Brittany & Conor

Frankfort, IL, USA


Brittany & Conor Home Page Banner

Wedding Day

5:00 PM–11:00 PM
CD & ME Special Events & Banquets
23320 S. LaGrange Rd, Frankfort, IL, 60423
Attire: Cocktail

3:30 PM–4:45 PM

3:30 PM–4:45 PM

Ceremony Seating

Come join us starting at 3:30pm for ceremony seating! There will be a cash-bar available for a pre-celebration until 4:45pm and the open-bar open directly following the wedding.

5:00 PM–5:30 PM

5:00 PM–5:30 PM

Wedding Ceremony

5:30 PM–11:00 PM

5:30 PM–11:00 PM


Hotel Shuttle

We have a shuttle trolley for those who are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn in Tinley Park. The shuttle will run both to-and-from CD&ME.


Please come and join us for the celebration early and grab a beverage at 3:20pm shuttle. There will be also be a 4:20pm shuttle which will arrive right before the ceremony.

Shuttle seating is limited to 30 individuals each run. Check the website or hotel for any schedule changes/updates.